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제목  HLDS! KWPF's Industry Representative Chair-company 2020-06-25

The 2nd era of the forum has entered the era when the Korea Wireless Power transfer promotion Forum has chaired the CEO of HLDS Co., Ltd.

President Byung-Hoon Min is the CEO of HLDS and was the first chairman of the forum in 2011.

The era of wireless charging for smartphones and wearables, the first generation of wireless charging, has become a commonplace.

Now, the second era of wireless charging that can be applied to drones, robots, electric vehicles, factories, shipbuilding, defense, and aviation is approaching.


In the era of the 1st wireless charging, the first companies Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics played an excellent role as chairmen for smartphones and mobile products.

Home appliances, drones, and electric vehicles will become an ecosystem where general large companies lead the market.

Accordingly, our forum plans to prepare for the mid- to long-term future market with HLDS as its chair.

In 2027, a single market for wireless charging is expected to reach 50 trillion won.


Looking back at the reality of Korea, foreign companies have 95% of the original technology for wireless charging of smartphones. Korea continues its pride through product manufacturing technology through Samsung Electronics.

In the era of 5G+ or the 4th industrial revolution, wireless charging is the basis. Without competitiveness in this basic technology, in the future, as now, the lack of original technology must be filled with royalties. We must endure with competitiveness in manufacturing technology. I can't help it.

However, our forum has a strategy to overcome this challenge. Together with our forum members, the strategy will help our forum members to become competitive in the future market.

Please join us in our forum.

Sincerely Yours,

Secretary general of Korea Wireless Power transfer promotion Forum

Wonho Jang. Ph.D.


  HLDS 의장사로 내정
  2021 무선전력전송 컨퍼런스 개최 안내

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